180207 hot wednesday
어느 나라에서나 대중교통이 제일 시원하다. 호스텔이랑 집에 둘다 에어컨이 없어서 더운데 트램 타면 너무 행복하다.
I also worked alone today but I got used to it, it' not bad. There was nothing to do yesterday, I was so bored. But there was something to do today, I wasn't bored. And the weather got hot again. The temperature got cool last week, I thought that the autumn was coming, but It will stay hot until this saturday.
Whenever, it is the coolest in common transportation. There are not air conditional in the hostel and my room. So I am happy when I get on the tram.
더워서 뭔가 입맛도 없는것 같았지만 저녁은 꼭 먹는다^^
전에 보고 캡쳐해두었던 레시피를 보고 냉라면을 만들었다. 식초랑 얼음이 없었지만 꽤 먹을만했다.
It was too hot so I don't feel to eat somthing but I didn't pass my dinner :)
I made a cold ramen with a recipe that I saw and made a screen shot before.
although there were not ice cubes and vinegar, but the taste was not bad.
그리고나서 뭔가 좀 배고픈 기분이라 카나페를 만들어 먹었다.
참치캔을 이미 뜯어서 참치 양만큼 카나페를 만들었더니 생각보다 많아졌다. 마침 공용거실에 다니엘라랑 다른 게스트들이 앉아있어서 나눠먹었다.
다니엘라가 컨버세이션 클럽이 있는데 너도 할래 그러길래 난 빌리지 안에서 언어교환하자는건줄 알았는데 알고보니 멜버른 센트럴 역까지 가야했다. 내가 저번에 스무디를 사먹은 곳 바로 위층에 큰 펍이 하나 있었고 거기서 서로 언어교환을 하는거였다.
각자 쓰는 언어랑 배우고싶은 언어가 적힌 명찰을 달고 이야기하는 말 그대로 컨버세이션 클럽이었다. 술을 시켜야하나 했는데 이야기하는 사람들중에 술 먹는 사람도 잘 없고 꼭 시켜야하는 분위기도 아니어서 좋았다.
한국어를 배우고싶어하는 오지 알리와 콜롬비아에서 와서 스페인어를 쓰는 지미를 만났다. 일할때나 집에서는 다들 나보다 영어를 잘하니까 뭔가 더 다급하게 느껴져서 생각도 잘 안나고 그러는데 같이 언어를 배우는 사람들이다보니까 서로 잘 기다려주고 도와줘서 한번씩 오면 도움 많이 될 것 같았다.
그리고 프랑스어 수업 들을때도 비슷하다고해서 스페인어 배우고싶었는데 지미한테 물어봐서 숫자 5까지 배웠다. 아는 스페인어 뭐 있냐고해서 윤식당에서 본 맵다는 뜻인 피칸테, 예스랑 같은 뜻인 시 를 안다고했다. 이번주 윤식당 볼때는 더 주의깊게 들어야겠다.
알리는 케이팝도 좋아하고 한글도 읽을 줄 알았다. 영어는 알파벳을 순서대로 나열해서 쓰지만 한국어는 초성 중성 종성 나뉘어져있어서 배우기 힘들거라 생각했는데 오히려 발음이 하나밖에 없어서 쉽다고했다. 재미있었다.
주말에 나가게되면 스페인어책을 찾아봐야겠다.
it was after eating dinner but I felt to eat somthing, I made canape.
I opened a tuna can and should use all in the can so many canape were made. there were some people including daniela, I share those with them.
Daniela suggested to participate into a conversation club. I thought that gonna be in our village and exchange each language with guests in village but it wasn't. we have to go to Melbourne Central station. there was a large pub on 3rd floor that is upstair from the store I bought some smoothie last weekend.
there was a namecard that some flags were in. Those were related with languages people can speak and wanna speak. I thought that i should order some drink but not many people were drinking and it wasn't that atmosphere so i liked that.
I meat aussie ally who wanna learn korean and jimmy who was from colombia and able to speak spanish. When I go to work, most of people are better than me in English and I feel some urgent to talk something. But people in conversation club are someone who learn some language so wait and help each other. It was so impressive and I thought that the club was so helpful and worth coming.
When I learned French last year, I heard that spanish and french is similar. So i wanna study spanish and I asked to jimmy how to count from 1 to 5. He asked me there are any spanish I know, and I answered some words like "picante" that means "hot" and "si" that means "yes". I learned those from korean TV show and I will try to hear some more spanish when I watch this week's show.
Ally loved K-pop and she can read korean alphabet. When write some word in English, I just arrange the alphabets in a line, but korean alphabet have to be placed at top, middle, bottom. So I thought that korean js more difficult to learn. But she said korean is easier than english because It has only one pronunsation. It was so interesting.
I wanna study more about spanish, and if I go to library or book store, I would find spanish language book.