180220 energetic tuesday
자전거 타고 출근하는 첫날이었다.
시티까지는 오르막길도 많이 없고 도로도 잘되있어서 좋았는데 야라강 건너면서부터 뭔가 더 더운것같고 힘들었다
구글맵말고 다른 바이크용 어플을 깔았는데 내일은 구글맵이 가라는대로 한 번 가봐야할 것 같다.
한 35분에서 45분정도 걸렸는데 트램탈때 나오듯이 꽤 서둘러나와야 지각 안할 것 같다.
출근하고 너무 힘들어서 아이스커피 먹을까하다 안먹었는데 좀 있다가 타카오가 세븐일레븐 간다니까 대표님이 나도 사주라고 돈주셔서 아이스커피 결국엔 먹었다 ㅎㅎ
It was the first day that I went to work with my bicycle "mondi"
there was not many hills from village to city so it was good but after I passed the yarra river, I feel a little bit hot and was so hard.
I installed other map for cycling instead of google map, but I'll try the route that google map recommend tomorrow.
it took about 35 ~ 45 minutes so I think I have to hurry up like that I do to take the tram.
after I arrived village south yarra I think about to get a iced coffee from 7eleven and but I didn't. some minutes after the boss gave some coins to takao to buy coffee for me and I finally drank it. :)
It was the first day that I went to work with my bicycle "mondi"
there was not many hills from village to city so it was good but after I passed the yarra river, I feel a little bit hot and was so hard.
I installed other map for cycling instead of google map, but I'll try the route that google map recommend tomorrow.
it took about 35 ~ 45 minutes so I think I have to hurry up like that I do to take the tram.
after I arrived village south yarra I think about to get a iced coffee from 7eleven and but I didn't. some minutes after the boss gave some coins to takao to buy coffee for me and I finally drank it. :)
어젠 일이 너무 없어서 지루했는데 오늘은 적당히 계속 할 일이 생겨서 하다가 점심타임~~
어제 만든 김치볶음밥에 치즈 뿌려와서 전자렌지에 돌렸다.
내가 만들었지만 존맛;;; 학교에서 전자렌지 돌려먹던 냉동밥이랑 맛이 똑같았다. 맛있었단 소리다.
I was so bored yesterday but there were some things to do today, I had lunch time after some works.
I put some cheese on the fried rice that I made yesterday dinner, and made it to hot with microwave.
it was so goood. and it was really same with frozen rice that I used to eat in korea.
that means my cook skill was good.
I was so bored yesterday but there were some things to do today, I had lunch time after some works.
I put some cheese on the fried rice that I made yesterday dinner, and made it to hot with microwave.
it was so goood. and it was really same with frozen rice that I used to eat in korea.
that means my cook skill was good.
창고에 있는 공구상자에서 맞는 공구 찾아서 세워 놓을때 쓰는 부분도 조이고 안장 높이도 맞췄다. 왔던 길이랑 거의 똑같이 갔는데 중간중간 공사중인 곳이 있어서 아무래도 다른 길을 찾는게 좋을것같다. 열심히 달리다보니 멜번 온 둘쨋날인가 혼자 산책갔던 공원이었다. 이제 멜번 시티쪽 지리 대충 다 파악했다!
열심히 달려서 콜스 들러서 장 좀 보고 앞바구니에 담아 집으로 돌아왔다!
뭔가 운동을해서 그런가 몸 전체는 약간 에너지 돌고 좋은것같은데 허벅지랑 허리가 땡긴다.
I found a tool in storage and made the saddle higher and fastened the stand.
and when I came back home, I use same route that I used in morning, but there were some construction near the route, maybe I have to change the route for my security.
I also passed the park where I went to the 2nd day of melbourne.
I think I know almost of melborune's geography!
I ride the bike hard and came by coles, bought some food and put them in my basket of bike and came back home.
I felt energentic and nice but also have my legs and low back pain
스팸김치계란말이랑 룸메님이 협찬해주신 된장국! 쌀 사오기전에 뭐 해먹었었는지 기억 잘 안나는데 한번 밥먹기시작하니까 계속 밥먹게되는것같다. 밥심으로 힘내서 자전거 타야지
it is spam kimchi roll and soup that my roommate gave to me! I can't remember what I ate before I bought the rice, but after I bought the rice, I'm always eating that.
it is spam kimchi roll and soup that my roommate gave to me! I can't remember what I ate before I bought the rice, but after I bought the rice, I'm always eating that.